Outsourcing Services

You might have heard of outsourcing by now.

However, if you are still hesitant about trying it, you can read the following guide to look into how outsourcing works, what benefits you will gain from it, and how much it would cost you, among others:

How Outsourcing Works

Nowadays, you can outsource almost anything.

While it carries certain risks, it also comes with plenty of benefits:

Outsourcing DefinitionOutsourcing Definition

Businesses often hire a data entry clerk to address the gaps within their databases. These information technology professionals will then gather the data from various documents, materials, or online databases. candidates off a shortlist and then arrange for an interview.

Special ConsiderationsSpecial Considerations

Once data is collected, it is then digitized. Data entry operators must thus be knowledgeable about using office equipment or tools to encode data online.

Ethics of OutsourcingEthics of Outsourcing

A data entry clerk must check the data for discrepancies or inaccuracies. For instance, they must inspect for misspellings, erroneous information, or wrong formatting.

Key TakeawaysKey Takeaways

Aside from encoding and verifying data, they may be required to regularly back up databases to ensure data security and safety.

Types of Outsourcing

With so many types of available, it’s best to evaluate what your business needs to determine the right approach.

Here are a few kinds to give you an idea:

Insourcing vs Outsourcing

As the name suggests, insourcing involves hiring an in-house employee to perform specific tasks.

Conversely, outsourcing is when you tap external resources to complete a job or task for you.

Outsourcing vs Offshoring

Both of these terms are often used interchangeably.

You can think of outsourcing as the umbrella term. After all, it’s simply the process of delegating functions to third parties.

Offshoring specifically refers to assigning responsibilities to a company outside your home country.

Outsourcing of Jobs

The business world can be pretty ruthless.

You need to constantly get ahead of the competition, and one way to do that is by contracting the help of experts outside your company.

Repatriating IT

Sometimes, you might end up having to recall the functions you outsourced in the first place.

Say, you need to hire in-house software engineers and other IT experts for product development instead. In this case, you would be repatriating or “backsourcing” such functions.

Thus, you must check what each staffing company has to offer and what their clients say about them before you make a decision.

At Remote Staff, for example, you can easily read testimonials from past clients on our home page.

Amazing Benefits of Outsourcing Work

So, what advantages do you get from outsourcing services to a staffing agency?

Reduced Costs

The most significant benefit is cost reduction.

Consider how much it would cost your business to hire an in-house employee. Remember, you must also furnish them with equipment, pay for extra office space, and provide them with training.

All these can quickly add up.

When you outsource, you can steer clear of all those expenses and avail of more affordable labor costs, especially when you’re outsourcing to a country with a lower cost of living, like the Philippines.

Easy to Scale Up

As an entrepreneur, you would want to grow your business as quickly as you can.

Outsourcing gives you this advantage over your competitors. The faster you can fill a skills gap in your company, the quicker you can scale up.

Internal recruitment can take weeks or even months. But when you partner with a staffing agency, you can hire a capable employee within days.

Free Up Internal Resources for Core Activities

As previously mentioned, you save money with outsourcing, and you can then direct the savings to more crucial activities for growing your company.

Keep Your Businesses Running 24/7

Business owners might think offshoring is disadvantageous because of time differences. However, it’s an opportunity to extend your operating hours and perhaps even offer 24/7 customer service.

So You Can Pay Attention to the Core Business Activities

As previously mentioned, you save money with outsourcing, and you can then direct the savings to more crucial activities for growing your company.

Improves Opportunities for Growth

It reduces your staff’s workload, allowing them to better concentrate on their core responsibilities to help your business grow.

Increasing Effectiveness and Efficiency

Sometimes, you might not have immediate access to the talent you need within your locality.

Thus, outsourcing can help address this issue. Hiring the right people for the job – no matter where they’re from- can significantly improve productivity and efficiency.

Build a Stronger Back Office

Outsourcing is a great way to strengthen your back-office support.

Having a back office keeps things running smoothly -even if it doesn’t directly generate income.

Risk Sharing

Delegating critical business processes has risks.

But because these staffing companies are good at what they do, they will have risk mitigation plans in place for your peace of mind.

Outsourcing Risks and Challenges

We have constantly talked about risks, but what are they specifically?

Here are a few – and how you can work around them.

Loss of control

Loss of control

One of the biggest concerns is the potential loss of control.

As a business owner, you have no control over the output quality or project delays, if any.

However, you can set deadlines and use KPIs to track the progress of your project.

Language barriers

Language barriers

When you outsource, communication issues due to time differences or language barriers are possible.

But when you outsource to a company like Remote Staff, their 100% Filipino remote talent are proficient in the English language and are also accustomed to working alongside Western clients.

Unexpected costs

Unexpected costs

Most companies outsource to reduce costs. However, you might encounter hidden charges from service providers, if you aren’t careful.

At Remote Staff, there’s a low chance of this happening because we will always discuss your budget and then lay out all the charges from the beginning.

Privacy concerns

Privacy concerns

Lastly, outsourcing usually comes with security risks. Thus, you must be more vigilant about whom you grant access to and your choice of security software.

At Remote Staff, we use a time-tracking program for transparency and peace of mind.

List Of Activities That Can Be Outsourced

So, what business functions can you outsource to a service provider exactly?



To start, you can outsource specific tasks or even an entire sales department to an agency.

They can handle lead generation, market research, and calls (both inbound and outbound) on your behalf, to name a few.

IT Management

IT Management

Another service lots of companies outsource is IT management, where a third party develops software for a company or manages its database.

        • IT Outsourcing Models and Pricing – There are three main types of IT outsourcing (with some we already mentioned previously).There’s onshore outsourcing, which involves working with third-party companies within the same geo graphical area.Next is nearshore outsourcing, where you partner with a business that is closer in location, such as a neighboring country. Meanwhile, offshoring involves outsourcing outside your country -usually in a low-cost region. As for pricing models, there are several types as well.

Administrative Tasks

Administrative Tasks

Of course, administrative tasks are one of the most popular duties to outsource.

They can range from answering phone calls and responding to emails to more complex ones like bookkeeping and processing payroll.

Outsource Booking Appointments

Outsource Booking Appointments

As a business owner, your daily schedule must be packed. This can often be hard to keep track of and can result in a few missed appointments.

However, you can hire someone to manage your schedules and book appointments with other entrepreneurs and clients for you.

Outsource Social Media Marketing

Outsource Social Media Marketing

Social media has become a vital part of any company’s marketing efforts.

But if you have trouble maneuvering through various online platforms, you can recruit someone more experienced.

Considering how everything is done online these days, the right social media marketing will help you reach your target audience, boosting your sales and brand recognition.

Customer Service

Customer Service

You can also outsource your voiced and non-voiced customer service functions, and given the difference in timezone, you can provide such even after the usual business hours.

Outsource Research and Development

Outsource Research and Development

Instead of having an internal research and development team, delegate these tasks to outsourced professionals.

Not only will you diminish your operating costs and training time, but you also gain access to experts beyond the local talent pool.

Outsource Human Resources

Outsource Human Resources

Human resource (HR) activities can also be delegated to a third-party organization.

      • What Do You Mean By HR Outsourcing?
        HR outsourcing means contracting a service provider either to support your internal HR department or to fully handle your company’s HR functions.
      • Can I Outsource HR If My Company Already Has an HR Person or Department?
        The short answer is yes.As your company grows, your internal HR department might have trouble managing the increased workload. Hiring the right person on your own will take time and resources, which could set you back. HR outsourcing is a quicker solution because staffing agencies—like Remote Staff—are more likely to have a candidate available within their database.All you have to do is schedule an interview and then determine if the applicant is a good fit for your company.
      • What HR Services Can Be Outsourced?
        There are a lot of HR functions that you can outsource:

            • Administrative Tasks – While clerical responsibilities are critical, they can be time-consuming. You can delegate these tasks, so your internal HR department can focus on more pressing concerns.
            • Processing Payroll – Outsourced HR professionals can oversee employee payroll, paid time off, and record-keeping.
            • Employee Relations – The human resources department can act as a mediator between parties in case of conflict. They can also filter employee concerns before routing the most pressing matters to you.
            • Performance Management – Part of an HR department’s function is to evaluate an employee’s performance for appraisal purposes. They can also help set KPIs and conduct performance reviews if employees fail to meet such.
            • Outsource Hiring – While sourcing talent is a vital HR function, the high volume of applications can overwhelm your HR department. External HR employees can augment your current manpower and improve efficiency.
      • How Can HR Outsourcing Benefit My Business?
        Aside from cost reduction, HR outsourcing gives you access to top talent from anywhere at a more reasonable rate.Further, your agency can handle your remote contractor’s payroll management and other related functions. The staffing agency can also train your new HR employees if they aren’t already equipped for the job.Most of the time, the experts from these agencies already know what to do and can be deployed almost immediately.
      • Why Is HR Outsourcing Important?
        Ensuring a healthy and safe working environment is a tedious yet essential process. While you may have ideas of what policies to enforce in your company, you still need professional guidance.Fortunately, you can hire HR experts through outsourcing.

            • Your Business is Unique: Get What Fits
              As a client, you have power over what responsibilities you delegate to your contractors, and should be based on your business needs and goals.
            • Work With an Experienced, Scalable Partner
              As they say, nothing beats experience. Thus, you should tap a staffing company with a proven track record. Remote Staff has been in the staffing solutions industry for over 15 years now.You can easily find our client testimonials on our website if you wish to know more about how we have helped Australian business owners find the right staff- and how we can assist you in doing the same.
      • How Does HR Outsourcing Reduce Costs
        Outsourcing services lets you get work done at a much lower rate, especially if it is in a location with a lower cost of living than yours.You thus earn access to that country’s premium talent without spending a fortune.
      • How Much Does It Cost to Outsource HR?
        Prices will vary depending on which company you partner with. At Remote Staff, you inform us about your budget during our discovery call. On average, though, you can hire human resources personnel starting at around $12 per hour.

Outsource Payroll Processing

Outsource Payroll Processing

Payroll management can be labor-intensive.

You might also have reservations about hiring a non-native professional. After all, tax laws vary from one place to another.

However, Remote Staff’s remote HR talents have years of experience and are knowledgeable about foreign payroll rules.

Outsource Your Creative Work

Outsource Your Creative Work

Creative outsourcing involves commissioning creatives to manage the marketing and advertising side of your business.

As the name implies, these professionals can develop your company’s branding and produce content, graphics, and other creative materials.

Outsource Data Entry

Outsource Data Entry

You can also outsource large volumes of data for processing.

Good data, after all, is the backbone of making smart business decisions, and instant access to it makes a huge difference.

Outsource Computer Programming

Outsource Computer Programming

Another one of the IT services you can outsource is computer programming, which involves software or app development.

Outsource Website Optimization

Outsource Website Optimization

Putting up a company website alone isn’t enough these days.

You should hire experts to maximize your website’s performance in search engines, for instance.

Doing so helps your site rank higher in searches, allowing people to find your business easily.

Outsource Web Design

Outsource Web Design

Web design is part of IT outsourcing. You can hire web designers to create a website that is intuitive and functional.

Outsource Business Applications

Outsource Business Applications

Web design is part of IT outsourcing.

You can hire web designers to create a website that is intuitive and functional.

Outsource Content Marketing

Outsource Content Marketing

While content is king, you can’t just post anything.

You must ensure your external staff provides quality content so it builds brand credibility and provides value for your target audience.

Outsource Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Outsource Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Digital marketing can increase brand awareness.

However, this involves a mix of different services, like copywriting, content writing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media management, and web design, which is impossible for one person to do.

So, outsourcing allows you to assemble an entire marketing team without breaking the bank.

Outsource Video Editing

Outsource Video Editing

Sometimes, you might want to include videos in your content.

Delegating this task to an outsourced staff can result in high-quality videos produced in less time, especially if your in-house staff are preoccupied with other duties.

Outsource Email Management

Outsource Email Management

Handling emails seems simple enough.

However, outsourcing your email management can save you time since you won’t have to deal with spam and other unwanted messages.

You can then use the extra time more strategically elsewhere.

Outsource Calendar Management

Outsource Calendar Management

Let your outsourced staff set your appointments and organize your calendar.

Outsource Data Storage

Outsource Data Storage

It may be daunting to allow a third-party vendor access to your company’s sensitive data.

But doing so enables you to overcome challenges that come with data storage, such as data growth, complexity,and diversification.

Outsource Inbound Marketing

Outsource Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is just one facet of digital marketing (think of it as the umbrella term for all sorts of marketing efforts).

You can outsource your inbound marketing functions to those that specialize in creating valuable content to attract customers.

Outsourcing Company Newsletters

Outsourcing Company Newsletters

Let professional writers manage your company’s newsletter and customize the content based on your intended audience.

Outsource Tax Filing and Tax Preparation

Outsource Tax Filing and Tax Preparation

Tapping a staffing solutions company to help with tax filing and preparation reduces your internal accounting department’s workload.

It can also result in faster turnaround time, especially during peak seasons.

Outsource Legal Services

Outsource Legal Services

It is also now possible to outsource legal services, which helps law firms optimize their business processes.

Best of all, these outsourced staff are likely knowledgeable about your country’s laws, especially if they offer legal support services.

Outsource Healthcare Services

Outsource Healthcare Services

You can actually entrust functions like medical billing, transcription, and medical record management to service providers.

This process results in smoother healthcare operations and better patient experience.

Outsource Bookkeeping And Accounting

Outsource Bookkeeping And Accounting

You can find bookkeeping and accounting professionals from anywhere in the world.

They are often already well-versed in using various accounting tools and can keep your books in order for you.

Outsourcing Cybersecurity

Outsourcing Cybersecurity

Offshoring IT services to keep your company’s data safe is an excellent way to lower costs. Timezones also guarantee 24/7 cybersecurity services.

Outsourcing Your E-Commerce Firm

Outsourcing Your E-Commerce Firm

A staffing agency can manage tasks like fulfillment, shipping, and customer service for your e-commerce business.

Outsource Manufacturing and Production

Outsource Manufacturing and Production

The outsourced staff can take care of the clerical side of your manufacturing and production needs.

Shipping and Logistics

Shipping and Logistics

As part of your e-commerce business, you can delegate the order fulfillment and logistics between your shipping company and customers to a third-party provider.

Bolster Your Workforce Strategies

Outsourcing has countless benefits. One is the increased productivity of your in-house employees.

Here are other strategies you can employ to strengthen your current internal workforce:

Outsource Event Management

Outsource Event Management

Marketing events are a brilliant way to attract new customers and showcase your products or services.
Organizing these events, however, takes a lot of time and effort.
Instead of taking away time from critical tasks, you can outsource most of the planning. All you need to do is provide info and then show up to the event.

Outsource Everything You Do Not Enjoy

Outsource Everything You Do Not Enjoy

When you do not enjoy accomplishing a particular task, chances are you will probably do a poor job.
Instead, outsource it to the specialists.

Outsource Engineering

Outsource Engineering

Engineers do not necessarily have to work in the same space as you to offer their services.
Hiring outsourced engineers can help standardize your internal engineering processes and offer innovative solutions.

Outsource Skills You Do Not Have

Outsource Skills You Do Not Have

Of course, the expertise you need may not be available within your local area.
It could also be that huge corporations may have already taken hold of the top talent.
So, you can expand your talent acquisition to make the most out of outsourcing.

Outsource Cleaning Services

Outsource Cleaning Services

Companies need tons of data, and most of the time, huge volumes of such will have duplications and errors.
Fortunately, you can outsource the data clean-up to the experts.

Outsource Podcast Production

Outsource Podcast Production

Podcasts have become popular in recent years and are a great way to reach your audience.
However, recording one podcast episode (and the subsequent editing process) is time-consuming.
So, to save time, reach out to a third party who can produce your podcast episodes for you.

Outsource CRM Integration

Outsource CRM Integration

Having all the software you need for customer relationship management (CRM) functions makes validating data easier and improves customer experience.

Outsource Training

Outsource Training

Training, especially new hires or upskilling employees, will take up resources that might not be readily available to you as an SME owner.
So, tap consultants or training professionals who can provide these at a relatively low cost.

Outsourcing Trends

Here are some trends that may emerge:

Emphasis On Flexibility and Quality

One key advantage of outsourcing is flexibility. Companies can pick what services they want to contract. They can even choose to scale up or down depending on the season.

Ensuring Business Continuity

When the pandemic disrupted everything, remote work emerged as a viable solution. Offshoring ensures that your operations continue (even extending your usual business hours) despite such disruptions.

The Growth of Business Process Outsourcing

Be a leading hub for business process outsourcing (BPO). A large chunk of the population speaks English and is exceptionally suited for customer service roles.

But more than that, the Philippines remains an attractive destination for global companies to address their staffing needs while keeping up with the rise of AI.

Outsourcing Hidden Costs

At Remote Staff, rest assured that you won’t have to deal with hidden charges.
We will always lay out all the charges fright from the beginning.

The Outsourcing Transition

Transitioning is always a daunting experience, but when done right, it can be rewarding.

Moving towards outsourcing requires careful planning. Define the scope of work, and set out all the KPIs and deadlines so you can establish expectations with your remote worker right off the bat.

While a staffing agency can speed up the hiring process, you still need to orient your remote contractor on internal processes and specific software your company uses.

Outsourcing Governance

Determine if your remote contractors will directly report to you or another supervisor.

Establish how often you and your distributed team will communicate and through what channels.

Doing so will ensure a smooth working relationship between you and your outsourced staff.

Next Steps

So, what happens next?

All you have to do is jump on a discovery call with one of our Client Relations Executives.

They will be more than happy to give you a quote on your outsourcing services needs and answer any further questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

We went ahead and gathered a handful of FAQs:

Is Outsourcing Business Services Expensive?

Outsourcing is less costly compared to hiring an in-house employee.
Remote Staff will always consider your budget when sourcing a candidate who fits your job specifications.

What Services Are Most Outsourced?

The most popular outsourced three roles are Accounting, Customer Service, and Data Entry.

However, we have a rich pool of candidates ready to be interviewed – and to start.

If you have more specific needs, let us know and we’ll surely find someone who fits the bill. Ready to start?

Schedule a callback with us and let’s discuss your outsourcing needs.