Jun 22
feature - 5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Go Back to the Office

5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Go Back to the Office

After years of working remotely, some companies are making employees return to the office. 

However, is it really a good idea? 

Companies like Tesla have even told their employees that “office is not optional,” maintaining that in-person collaboration is essential for productivity and innovation. 

However, with the right tools and management, many companies have seen better productivity with remote set-ups. 

For example, Airbnb allowed their employees to work from anywhere indefinitely because they value trust and autonomy, which empower their workforce and promote innovation and adaptability.

Today, Airbnb has a growing financial bottom line with accelerating growth across the globe.

Thus, depending on your business model, having a fully-remote or hybrid workforce can definitely offer significant advantages over going back to a traditional setup – like the 5 listed below.


Cost Savings

When you have fully remote or hybrid operations, you save on overhead costs like rent, utilities, office supplies, and maintenance. 

For example, hiring a remote worker, such as a virtual assistant, eliminates the need for additional office space and resources since you can simply provide the necessary digital tools instead of a physical desk, computer, and other equipment.

This is especially beneficial if you operate in high-rent areas.


5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Go Back to the Office - Quote 1 (virtual assistant)

Increased Productivity

Contrary to common belief, studies have shown that remote work can increase productivity by as much as 13%.

Without the usual office distractions and interruptions, employees can focus better on their tasks. 

While there may be distractions at home, they can usually be mitigated with strategies like creating a dedicated workspace and setting boundaries.

However, office distractions like impromptu meetings or office politics are harder to control – but not if you (and your team) work from home. 



Scaling operations is more cost-effective when you hire remote teams or outsource tasks to remote contractors.

This flexibility allows you to quickly adjust resources to meet increasing demands and vice versa.


5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Go Back to the Office - Quote 2 (virtual assistant)

Higher Employee Satisfaction and Retention

According to a study, employees with flexible remote work options are 22% less likely to quit than fully remote ones.

This demonstrates how the flexibility from remote work can significantly boost employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Done right, remote work fosters a better work-life balance, allowing employees to manage their schedules more effectively and reduce stress. 


Better Access to a Broader Talent Pool

Sometimes, it’s hard to find the right talent in your area. That’s not the case with outsourcing.

For example, you need a virtual assistant with a specialized skill set. Outsourcing gives you access to a wider range of talent online, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your needs from anywhere.

Plus, if you plan to expand to another country or run operations 24/7, you can outsource top talent like a virtual assistant in different time zones.

With the benefits above, you can now capitalize on operating your business remotely.

So if you’re starting online operations or need help maintaining your online setup, Remote Staff can provide expert remote workers tailored to your needs.

Click here to schedule a callback today!

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Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well.

About The Author

Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well.

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