Jun 23
5 Crucial Skills You Should Look For in Virtual Receptionists and How to Assess Them

5 Crucial Skills You Should Look For in Virtual Receptionists and How to Assess Them

With the Filipino virtual cashier going viral a few months back, many businesses are now thinking about hiring a virtual receptionist to manage their virtual storefronts or physical office spaces.

Virtual receptionists can handle communication, help you deliver top-notch customer service, and uphold a professional image with clients, all while streamlining operations in a cost-effective way.

However, it’s not easy to find the right virtual receptionist for your business.

Out of several applicants, which one should you choose?

Here are 5 essential skills you should look for and how to assess them during the interview.


Computer Literacy 

Virtual receptionists heavily rely on digital tools and software for communication, organization, and task management.

So they have to be computer literate to effectively navigate these tools, input data accurately, troubleshoot technical issues, and ensure smooth operations in their role.

For instance, if you own a medical clinic, you can test a candidate’s ability to manage schedules using Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook.


5 Crucial Skills You Should Look For in Virtual Receptionists and How to Assess Them - Quote 1

Communication Skills

Virtual receptionists are often the first point of contact for clients, whether answering calls, emails, or live chats. 

Therefore, strong communication skills are crucial for making a positive impression and building rapport.

During the interview, you can provide a scenario where the candidate has to respond to a client’s email about, say, scheduling an appointment. 

Watch how they compose their reply, ensure clarity and professionalism, and address the client’s needs.


Problem Solving Skills

Virtual receptionists need good problem-solving skills as they often encounter issues while managing incoming communications and coordinating tasks. 

Therefore, they need to be able to think critically, analyze situations quickly, and apply effective problem-solving strategies to resolve these issues.

To test this skill, you can give this sample scenario:

One patient requested to reschedule an appointment, which conflicts with existing appointments. 

This scenario tests the applicant’s ability to remain calm under pressure, and their skill in resolving conflicts to keep patients -or customers -satisfied.


5 Crucial Skills You Should Look For in Virtual Receptionists and How to Assess Them - Quote 2

Empathy and Customer Service Skills

Virtual receptionists often deal with upset customers, so it’s important for them to be empathetic and have good customer service skills. 

This helps them understand customers’ feelings, address their issues well, and make sure they have a positive experience.

During the interview, you can present a scenario where the candidate must respond to a disgruntled customer’s email regarding a service issue. 

Ask the candidate to compose a reply addressing the customer’s concerns. 

Observe how the candidate apologizes, acknowledges the issues, and assures the client that their concerns will be addressed.



Virtual receptionists should be adaptable to changes in processes, technology, or customer needs. 

They may need to switch between different communication channels, manage unexpected situations, and accommodate varying client needs efficiently.

You can test their adaptability by providing this sample scenario:

“There’s a sudden increase in call volume due to a marketing campaign’s success. How will you handle the influx of calls efficiently while ensuring excellent customer service?”

Their response will help you gauge how well they can adjust to changes and stay productive in a fast-paced environment.

Ready to hire a virtual receptionist to make things easier?

If you don’t know where to start, Remote Staff can help you find the best virtual receptionist for your business.

Remote Staff prequalifies top Filipino talent so that you can choose from the best – and then focus on growing your business while we handle the recruitment process for you.

Click here to schedule a callback today!

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Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well.

About The Author

Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well.

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