Jun 29
feature - 5 Communication Tips For Handling a Remote Team

5 Communication Tips For Handling a Remote Team

Thanks to technology, many companies are now operating via a fully remote or a hybrid setup. 

Most enjoy the benefits of remote work, including cost savings, flexibility, increased productivity, and access to a wider talent pool as a result.

For example, some hire a virtual assistant to handle administrative tasks, manage schedules, and streamline communication. 

Additionally, you can hire a virtual assistant for roles like social media management, content creation, and bookkeeping, allowing you to operate more efficiently and focus on core business activities that only you can do.

However, while it may seem easy, some struggle to communicate effectively with their team, especially if it’s their first time hiring and working with remote staff.

Fret not. Here are 5 communication tips for handling a remote team better:


Use Clear Communication Channels

First of all, choose the right communication tools for your team.

For example, you can use Slack for quick messaging and team collaboration, Zoom for video meetings, and email for formal communication and detailed documentation. 

This provides your remote team with the right platform for every communication need.


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Set Clear Expectations

Make sure everyone in your team understands their roles, responsibilities, and goals.

This reduces confusion and prevents misunderstandings about tasks, making sure team members know exactly what is expected of them.

For instance, if you’ve outsourced to a data entry clerk, you could establish a KPI such as: “process a minimum of X number of orders or entries per hour with an error rate of 1%.”

This clarity helps team members prioritize their tasks effectively and work towards achieving specific goals.


Schedule Regular Check-ins

These ensure consistent communication and keep everyone aligned with team goals. 

Check-ins provide an opportunity for team members to discuss their progress, ask questions, and seek clarification on tasks, which helps to prevent misunderstandings and keep projects on track.

You can conduct brief daily meetings to discuss what everyone is working on, any issues they are facing, and provide quick progress updates.

Alternatively, you can hold longer weekly meetings to dive deeper into projects, plan for the upcoming week, and address bigger concerns. 


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Juggle Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication

Using both synchronous and asynchronous methods addresses your communication needs, especially when you hire from different time zones.

Synchronous communication, like video calls or instant messaging, is ideal for live discussions, brainstorming, and quickly resolving urgent issues. 

On the other hand, asynchronous communication, such as emails or project management tools, lets team members respond in their own time, accommodating different time zones and schedules. 

An example of asynchronous communication is leaving comments on Google files. Team members can provide feedback or updates on documents, spreadsheets, or presentations, allowing others to review and respond at their convenience.

This reduces interruptions, allowing individuals to focus on tasks without the need for real-time conversations, increasing productivity and work quality.


Don’t Micromanage

Lastly, instead of constantly monitoring every action, set clear expectations and encourage open communication to empower your team to work independently and efficiently.

This approach helps maximize productivity and create a positive work environment.

So with the tips above, effectively communicating with your remote team gets easier.

However, if you’re still building your online team, Remote Staff can match you with the best remote talent for your business needs.

Whether you’re looking for a virtual assistant or other roles, Remote Staff will pre qualify candidates to match your needs and streamline the hiring process.

Click here to schedule a callback today!

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Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well.

About The Author

Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well.

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